You know it is too long between posts, when...
…I have to sign in again to gain access to my website. Sigh.
Much has been happening in the little home in Rochester. This past week I have turned in a new article for Interweave, proofread a different article for Interweave coming out soon, and had two more accepted for a December publication. Three articles and patterns are due today for a book (thank heaven I have an extension!), and I have another mitten pattern to finish off for Knitsy magazine for next month's publication. My eldest son had "parents' weekend" at his school, and my schedule was filled with concerts and classes dedicated to him and his school. My hubby was out of state, and the homeless shelter where I work had their open house. The rest of my life is continuing as normal!
Next week I'll be in Rochester, Minnesota for a Mayo family reunion. It has been 150 years since great-great-grandfather moved the family from LaSueur, Minnesota to Rochester. For some reason, the Mayo Clinic has determined that is a date to inaugurate. So, Friday night, a bunch of us relatives, and many, many more notables in Rochester will converge on a ballroom and hear Tom Brokaw wax eloquent.
I plan on wearing Irish lace cuffs I designed based on an Irish crochet linen duster that great-grandma Edith owned. I made them awhile ago, and now they sit by my black dress, one on and one still to be applied.
Until then, it is essays and patterns, knitting and crochet. What fun!
Here are some pictures of my eldest in his first regatta this weekend:
And, they're off!