Laura Ricketts Designs

"She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands..."

Laura Ricketts Designs is a personal and business website for Laura Ricketts, hand-knitwear designer, author, teacher, crafter, mother and wife.

Minnesota or Bust!

As I write this, I am sitting at my dining room table surrounded by papers, mittens, notebooks, kids' school papers and Scandinavian coffee-table textile books. It's lovely! And, it is all in preparation for my upcoming trip to Minnesota. 

I've got my lecture slides arranged, my handouts ready to go, and my knits packed. Heck! I've got my clothes packed. Now... what am I missing? At least I have several days to try to answer that.

What would be your #1 item to pack for two glorious weeks in a knitting Mecca? What is your #1 thing you forget when you go on trips?