Laura Ricketts Designs

"She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands..."

Laura Ricketts Designs is a personal and business website for Laura Ricketts, hand-knitwear designer, author, teacher, crafter, mother and wife.

New work and another look back on summer

This week I turned in a project that will appear in PieceWork magazine next March/April addition. Timothy Roe and I wrote out how to tie Eastern Orthodox Prayer knots in a prayer rope. I was fascinated to see Tim do this on my television show about 3 years ago, and I'm so happy he joined me in writing about it.

We'll have to wait until its release to post photos. So, in the meantime, here's a few photos from our family trip to Europe this summer.

We visited several Reformation sites, since this is the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. I also worked in a few textile related stops. In Brugges, Belgium, I visited a lace museum. And, what lace it was!


And, that's just one piece in the museum's collection. It's hard to imagine that all this was handmade. It took years to create such fine lace. Many of the intricacies of its creation were secret.

Upstairs I was able to meet one of the lace professors who teach one form of lace on a regular basis.

Wish I lived closer!