I've broken into my own blog
Believe it, or not, I’ve actually wanted to write on this here blog, but I’ve been thwarted. Technology is not for the faint of heart. Servers, websites, and blockers of various sorts construed together. I’m thankful to my son for helping me untangle the wiles of the web.
In order to just get a post up, though, I will keep this short and sweet. I’m having a good time with my craft. It’s easy to say that, today, with sunshine, a son who is helpful and a new, administration which seems to be trying to get vaccinations out, as well as speaking of seeking unity. I’m trying to keep my eyes on positive strides forward, and make my own, instead of being mired down in the heaviness of COVID, death and disease and destruction. It’s not easy.
I’m excited at the new year that I began a new job with North House Folk School as a lead instructor. As such, I will help link the teachers with the administration and seek to bring new, exciting classes and teachers to the campus, found in Grand Marais, Minnesota. Annemor Sundbø is one of the first. She’ll be speaking next month at our virtual Fiber February on the 11th at noon Central time. Check it out the website.
As well, I’m teaching a class next month at North House. I’d love to have you join me.
This month, I have taught a class at Vesterheim. I’ve taught a class at American Swedish Institute, and I’m in the middle of teaching a class at North House — all via Zoom. I have really enjoyed seeing students! I have loved having those conversations, seeing what you all are making, and seeing the learning take place. Is it the same as in person? No! I miss being in the same place with you. I miss being able to teach and talk and walk around and observe all at the same time. I miss the different layers of community we get when we are together. BUT, this distance/zoom thing sure beats being by myself in my home and not teaching or being a student at all.
Thank you for trusting me with your learning during this time.
I’m going to close with a few pictures of my life these past few weeks…
Thank you for helping me get this online!
It was a big day for me! My birthday was last week.
My son and future daughter-in-law made this fabulous, gluten-free cake.
Fun was had by all. Party on, dudes!