Gallery Exhibition at MoonTree Studios
Today, we set up my gallery exhibition at MoonTree Studios!
Mom helped in the hauling, setting up, and making sure all the items were level. (Thank you, mom!)
MoonTree is a great studio in the county over. It is a brainchild of the sisters of the Poor Handmaidens of Jesus Christ at the Center at Donaldson, Indiana. Sisters Nancy and Mary Baird are the two wonderful, creative women in charge there. As the mission statement says, MoonTree "challenges people to experience mindfulness as they fearlessly explore the interconnectedness of art, nature, and the Spirit within."
Sister Nancy
Me, Sister Mary Baird, and Peggy Dawson
My loving husband built me that hap (shawl) blocker out of beautiful walnut wood. It did its job wonderfully as I strung up my Estonian shawl and blocked it. Nancy, Rachel and I worked to hand it in the Southern window. It mimics a stained glass window as the sun shines through it.
Sister Nancy and Rachel
He also built me two mitten mobiles. Here, Sister Nancy and Rachel are figuring out how to hang them from the huge barn beams overhead.