January/February's Piecework Magazine release is imminent. I've already gotten a couple advertising emails from Needlework about it. A couple images were included in the emails. Here is the first:
Piecework cover for January/February 2015 "Historical Knitting Issue"
Piecework comes out every other month, and every Jan/Feb edition is entirely historical knitting. That means, all the other issues contain other types of historical textiles: hardanger, needlepoint, crochet, laces of all kinds...
My article, this time, is the large red lettering under the historical knitting banner. I'm kind of shocked I got higher billing than Nancy Bush! She is such an inspiration to me in her historical knitting of Estonia.
Here's the second set of pictures. My sweater is the red one on the right.
projects in the Jan/Feb 2015 "Historical Knitting" Piecework magazine
You can pick one of these magazines up at a Barnes and Nobles or similar store with a large magazine selection. Many find knitting stores carry Piecework, as well, but not all, since it is technically not a knitting magazine. You could also order a hard copy or a digital copy from Interweave.com.
Can't wait for my copy to arrive. Have a great Thursday, all!
So much has happened in the last few weeks. I think often to update this blog, "when I have the time," but the pictures and info just pile up. I will therefore make an entry with what time I have, and forgot a huge, long, newsy one.
How about lists? I can do lists!
1. My Irish Crochet Cuffs were published in the latest PieceWork magazine (available at all fine magazine stores everywhere)! In fact, drumroll please, my project made the cover photo! This does, of course, make me a CoverGirl. The editor contacted me over a month ago sharing the cover shot, and I had to KEEP QUIET ABOUT IT FOR A MONTH. Pure agony.
2. I will be teaching classes on Irish Crochet / Rose and Leaf. July 22 I will be at Yarn & Ya'll in Greenville, SC, and October 3 I will be teaching it at Twisted PDX in Portland, Oregon. Super fun! Contact me to teach at your yarn store!
3. I will also be teaching the Sámi mitten class: Beauties from the Far North at Twisted PDX on October 4. I'm really excited to make it to Portland at the same trip as the...
4. Nordic Knitting conference. All is toodling along splendidly! My class sold out in the first day! If you didn't make the class, I'd still love to meet you at the Saturday banquet held at the Nordic Museum. I will be driving up from Portland, so I will be late, but I will still be there! I am really looking forward to working with all the wonderful instructors -- you can't go wrong with a single class!
5. Been super busy with the kids all summer: swim team, softball league, softball all stars, eldest child entering the work force… In fact, I need to take the third child to his activity right now.
But you know what? I posted. Proud of that, and I hope to see you all soon at one event or the other!